• Anne is a small business owner and artist. She is a former media executive, a health and education advocate, and a 19-year public school volunteer with experience in California, Georgia and Texas.

  • Michael followed his career as a geologist with a second one as a high school chemistry teacher. Now retired from both, he has been involved with Breakthrough Sacramento since 2000.

  • Ken completed a technology consulting career with 17 years at Oracle. He has found his calling sharing the joy and energy of helping the deserving youth of Breakthrough Sacramento since 2019. He can also be found building friendships on the golf courses, tennis courts and wetlands of Sacramento and hiking, biking, and birding around the world with his life partner Lesley.

  • As a mental health provider for youth, Richard interfaces daily with the world of education. Seeing positive outcomes for Sacramento youth through improved access to higher education continues to inspire his long-term support of Breakthrough.

  • Laura is a middle school math teacher, and has been a supporter of Breakthrough Sacramento since the late 1990’s. She was the Director of Summerbridge Sacramento (BSAC’s previous name) from 2002 to 2005.

  • Now retired, Sue worked as a middle and high School history teacher and administrator in Sacramento for 37 years. She and her family have been involved with Breakthrough Sacramento since its beginning in 1994. 

  • Jamie, who is now retired after 45 years in the financial services industry, is a founding member of the Advisory Board in 1994. He is immensely proud of the more than three-decade service Breakthrough has provided to Sacramento area middle and high schools.  

  • Eduardo is Trade Show Coordinator as a member of SMUD’s community outreach team. He is a lifelong resident of Sacramento, community advocate, and a proud Breakthrough Sacramento Parent. Orgullosamente bilingue.

  • Guy has over 25 years of experience teaching elementary school and middle school science in under-resourced, high-needs schools in Sacramento and in Southern California. He has served as a Mentor Teacher for Breakthrough for more than 15 years.

  • Gregg is a real estate attorney at the Sacramento law firm of Boutin Jones. Because education transformed his life, he is grateful to have the opportunity to serve an organization focused on helping others striving for similar goals.

  • Ross retired after 40+ years in food and agriculture. He has been a supporter of Breakthrough Sacramento since the early 2000’s, and is also President and Chair of the Siragusa Family Foundation.