Breakthrough April News

Earth Day Adventures

We're adding ‘kayak pro’ to our resumes! We partnered with ICO Sacramento for an Earth Day adventure to Tomales Bay.

Part of our year-round program is creating enrichment activities for BSAC students and offering opportunities to deepen their knowledge base. Breakthrough Students spent the day exploring the ocean, learning about the marine life of Marin County, and, of course, laughing together! 

Students Spotlight California Cannabis Legalization

Breakthrough Sacramento's Social Justice Interns are currently in the process of surveying the public on their awareness of California marijuana policies.

Studies have shown that frequent marijuana use before the age of 21 increases the chance of becoming addicted by 40-80%. Since its legalization in California, the public lacks awareness of the process of selling and using marijuana. We hope to assess the public's awareness and find ways to make this knowledge more widely accessible.


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